In late March, the first builds of Windows 8.1 leaked to the Web. At about
the same time, the number of Windows 8 apps reversed several months of slowing
growth and charted four straight months of app increases.
It’s certainly possible. And yet, the slowing Windows 8 development
reversed course right around the time when Microsoft needed it most--when the
Win 8.1 build was released. That trend is good news for Microsoft as it prepares
for its BUILD developer conference on Wednesday, when the company will unveil
the first preview of Windows 8.1.
Windows 8 development started off strongly following the launch of Windows
8 in October—20,000 apps were launched in a month, followed by 15,000 the
next—all apparent signs that developers were continuing the trend of Windows
development and pumping out apps to the Windows Store.
But, following the holidays, app development slowed to a trickle: just
3,643 apps were added, according to MetroStore Scanner, which tracks the app
development for the Windows 8 platform.
In the MetroStore Scanner chart shown below, the gray line tracks the
absolute growth of the number of apps. The vertical bars track the rolling
average number of apps added per month, broken down by the new apps, in blue,
and the updated apps, in green.
So, the data below from MetroStore Scanner shows that the number of apps
slowed down in January and February and picked back up in March.
Too late?
By then, however, the reputation of Windows 8 had taken a serious hit.
Customers had begun turning up their noses at Windows 8’s unfamiliar interface,
and the initial bloom of corporate licenses were withering.
To be fair, the first rumors of Windows Blue—a sweeping revamp not just of
Windows 8, but of Windows Phone as well—first leaked out at the end of 2012. But
the rumors began to catch fire in February and March when reports began putting
a fine point on what Blue could offer. And then, in late March, we had the first
concrete details of Windows Blue, within the first leak of the OS.
At that point, the drop in the average number of monthly apps changed
course and began rising again. As of this writing, the total number of apps
within the Windows Store stands at 94,298, after months of increasing
Microsoft’s goal with BUILD is to keep the app momentum going.
Higher stature
While some of the features of Windows 8.1—better apps organization, a
boot-to-desktop mode as well as a shortcut to the Start page from the
Desktop—are an apology to the user, BUILD is designed to improve Microsoft’s
stature among developers.
This is important, because developers who code for Microsoft’s Windows
Phone and Windows 8-powered Surface tablets can leverage code written for each
platform. But they still don’t necessarily create “one continuous Microsoft
experience,” said Forrester analyst Frank Gillett last week. Compare that with,
say, the Apple iPad and iPhone, which share a common code base and therefore a
continuum of apps.
With that said, the transition to the next iteration of the Windows 8 OS
can make a significant difference.
”Past experience shows that all operating systems become better after the
version-point-one release, “ said Win app developer Christer Kaitila via email.
“Mass adoption of Win 8 has enabled the QA and gears-greasing required for Win
8.1 to be ready for prime time."
”Some developers prefer to avoid being an early adopter of new tech to
allow the tools and community to mature,” Kaitila added. “More importantly, the
good news from braver souls helps encourage devs to come on board.”
Kaitila, who has said he has, to date, released ten freeware games on
Windows 8, has also authored the Ludus platform game development kit for WIndows
8, allowing others to follow in his footsteps.
Kaitia also runs the #1GAM (One Game a Month) website, which Microsoft
sponsored in a bid to bring more independent game development to Windows 8.
(Ironically, Microsoft has drawn fire for what some have said are anti-indie
attitudes toward its Xbox One game console.)
Better tools for developers
Nevertheless, Kaitila said that Microsoft has stepped up with better tools
for app developers.
“I love the new Visual Studio for Win8 because it does all the things
Javascript programmers have been waiting for in an IDE: code completing,
automatic formatting and syntax highlighting, instant compile times, great
game-worthy rendering performance, [and] mega-awesome debug tools like
breakpoints, watches and stepping through Javascript,” Kaitila wrote.
n an infamous statement, Keith Lorizio, Microsoft's vice president of sales
at Microsoft Advertising, said that the Windows Store would attract 100,000 apps
in three months. Microsoft is now on pace to hit that milestone, but in nine
months, not three.
Ironically, the recent surge in apps may have hurt Jeremiah Stoddard, whose
Morse code app, CW Coach, was authored for Windows 8 precisely because the OS
isn’t popular.
”I’ve been writing Windows 8 apps because it’s the path of least
resistance,” Stoddard said via email. “It may not have the same market as the
iPad or Android tablets, but the flip side is that there’s a lot less
competition, which makes it easier for one’s app to get noticed. So, although
I’m watching Windows 8.1 with curiosity, it wasn’t the reason for writing new
apps for Windows 8.”